Bouquet With Soft Pinks


Soft bouquet to include Calla Lily Garnet Glow Pink, Peony Duchesse de Nemours, Peony Festiva Maxima, Peony Sarah Bernhardt, Roses Spray Cream Porcelina


Calla Lily Garnet Glow Pink
Peony Duchesse de Nemours
Peony Festiva Maxima
Peony Sarah Bernhardt
Roses Spray Cream Porcelina


Elegant, Romantic, Traditional, Vintage

Pair this design with other complimenting bouquets and boutonnieres.
Looking for the total package to complete your intimate gathering? Explore our bridal packages and find the perfect one for you and yours.


*All flowers in this bouquet will be chosen with care by our design team.
You will have a mix of the freshest blooms complimented by garden greenery that will be unique to the season.


Please call to speak with one of our wedding florists to discuss your wedding floral requirements and our availability and cost




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